
  • Deepu B Deepu B Accounting Department, Presidency College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India




In every way, banking is crucial to the expansion and development of the Indian economy. The study's primary goal is to use the CAMEL grading methodology to compare and assess the financial performance of a few selected banks. Secondary information required for the study was gathered from annual reports of the banks, bulletins, periodicals, newsletters, internal bank reports, journals, magazines, and websites. The CAMEL framework has been used to analyze the collected data. ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, YES Bank, AXIS Bank, and FEDERAL Bank were chosen for analysis. The selected banks were studied from 2015 to 2019. The study reveals that HDFC Bank and AXIS Bank are the best banks based on the overall grade of the CAMEL analysis. The results of this study can be used as a reference for banks to improve their financial performance


All bank websites of ICICI, HDFC, YES, FEDERAL, and AXIS

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