About the Journal

Journal title Angudi Mulyaning Bangsa
Initials AMB
Abbreviation -
ISSN xxxx-xxxx (media online) and xxxx-xxxx (media cetak)
DOI Prefix 10.26486 by Crossref
Address Jl. Raya Wates-Jogjakarta, Karanglo, Argomulyo, Kec. Sedayu, Kabupaten Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55752
Editor In Chief Luky Kurniawan
Publisher Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
Indexing Google Scholar, Crossref
OAI Address https://ejurnal.mercubuana-yogya.ac.id/index.php/AMB


Jurnal Angudi Mulyaning Bangsa aims at publishing conceptual thoughts or ideas and research findings that have been achieved in the field of service to the community. This journal focuses on some scope and interest, such as: (a) Service to the community, (b) Local food security, (c) Community empowerment and social access, (d) Outskirt areas and undeveloped areas, (e) Education for sustainable development, (f) Human Development and Nation competitiveness, (g) Poverty Alleviation based on local competitiveness (h) Management of rural and coastal areas with local wisdom, (i) Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and Cooperatives, (j) Creative industries and UMKM, (k) Development of Environmental Technology.




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