Analisis Proses Pembentukan Persepsi dari “Komunitas Jogja Kpopers Media” pada Permasalahan Karir Isol K-pop


  • Annisa Sabrina Jurnal Mahasiswa



Perception problems related to K-Pop idols can be seen in a person's view of K-Pop idols which can give rise to positive and negative perceptions (perceptions of pros and cons) among K-Pop fans which tend to arise as a result of assessing a problem object from three things, namely experience, motivation and personality so that create different perceptions. The perception of the Jogja kpopers media community is that idol career problems occur because of issues from netizens and from the idols themselves. This research aims to find out and understand the meaning of the perceptions of the Jogja kpopers media community regarding K-Pop idol career issues. This research is qualitative with observation, interviews and documentation methods as data collection techniques. Researchers examined this research using interpersonal perception theory to determine the perception of the Jogja kpopers media community regarding K-Pop idol career issues through three indicators in interpersonal perception theory. Research results (1) Perceptions seen from the resource person's experience regarding K-Pop idols, (2) Motivation of the resource person to achieve goals through positive encouragement and (3) Personality of the resource person in responding to the problem object in this research. The conclusion is that perception can be formed from experiences that have been experienced so that you can perceive objects based on experience, while motivation is already part of perception because it can refer to oneself in responding to an object so that it can create a perception.


Keywords: Perception, K-Pop Idol, Community Jogja kpopers media





