Online therapy study: The impact of classical music reducing stress symptoms in college students
Examinations are a routine experience for students, including university students. One of the examinations undertaken by students is the end-of-semester exam conducted at the end of each semester to assess their knowledge or skills after undergoing the learning process throughout the semester, and these tests usually determine whether students pass or fail a course. This activity typically imposes pressure on students, even though they go through it almost every semester. The stressful condition preceding these final exams can also be referred to as stress. Some stress can have positive effects on students, but there are also those that have negative effects, and it is this stress with negative effects that needs to be addressed. The aim of this research is to prove the effectiveness of listening to classical music in reducing stress symptoms among students during exams. Twelve male and female students were involved in this research. The results of the data analysis conducted indicate that classical music can reduce stress symptoms with a score of p < 0.05.
Keywords: Classical Music, Music therapy, Students, Stress