Fear of Failure with Subjective Well-Being in Students Taking a Gap Year at Indonesia College Yogyakarta Tutoring


  • Fajar Priyambada Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Sheilla Varadhila Peristianto Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


The increasing public awareness of the importance of education has caused the competition to enter higher education to become more intense, especially in specific majors such as medicine. Students who have yet to be accepted into the desired major then choose to take a gap year. Only some studies have discussed the condition of students who take gap years in Indonesia. However, it is known that individuals who experience fear of failure will experience disorders at the level of mental health, including subjective well-being. This study aims to determine the relationship between fear of failure and subjective well-being in students who take a gap year. The research subjects involved gap year students aged 18-20 (N=60). Data collection was carried out using the SWB and PFAI scales. The analysis method uses product-moment correlation from Pearson. The results of the analysis obtained a value (rxy) = -0.737 (p<0.05). This shows that the relationship between fear of failure and subjective well-being has a negative correlation. It was found that the determination coefficient symbolized by was 0.543, which proves that the fear of failure variable can have an influence of 54.3% on the subjective well-being variable, while other factors influence 45.7%.

Keywords : Subjective Well-Being, Fear of Failure, Gap Year


