The Intensity Of Using Tiktok Social Media And Self-Confidence In Early Adolescents
This study aims to determine the relationship between the Intensity of Using TikTok Social Media with Self-Confidence in Early Adolescents. This study proposes a hypothesis that there is a negative relationship between the Intensity of Using TikTok Social Media and Self-Confidence in Early Adolescents. The subjects in this study totaled 211 people. Taking research subjects using purposive sampling technique, with the characteristics of early adolescent subjects aged 13-17 years TikTok users. Data collection techniques using scales. The scale in this study is the scale of intensity of use of TikTok social media and the self-confidence scale. The data analysis technique used is using product moment correlation. Based on the results of data analysis, the correlation coefficient (rxy) = -0.276 with p = 0.000 (p < 0.010) shows that the hypothesis proposed in this study is accepted, namely there is a negative correlation between the Intensity of Use of TikTok Social Media with Self-Confidence in Early Adolescents. The coefficient of determination (R²) is 0.076, so it can be said that the contribution of the intensity of using TikTok social media is 7.6% to self-confidence in early adolescents and the remaining 92.4% is influenced by other factors not investigated in this study.
Keywords: Intensity of TikTok Social Media Use, Self-Confidence, Early Adolescents