Music for Confidence: Exploring the Relationship Between Music Preference and Self-Esteem in College Students


  • Zefanya Cheline Saragih Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Ainurizan Ridho Rahmatulloh Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


This study aims to determine the relationship between music preference and self-esteem in university students. The hypothesis proposed is that there is a positive relationship between music preference and self-esteem in Yogyakarta students. The subjects of this study amounted to 303 respondents. The research subjects were taken using purposive sampling technique with the characteristics of students from the age range of 18-27 years. The data collection method uses a music preference scale and a self-esteem scale. The data analysis technique used Pearson's product moment correlation analysis. Based on the results of data analysis, the correlation result (rxy) = 0.187 (p = 0.001) was obtained, which means that there is a positive relationship between music preference and self-esteem in adolescents. This shows that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained is 0.032 which indicates that the music preference variable has a contribution of 3.2% to the self-esteem variable and the remaining 96.8% is influenced by other variables.

Keywords: music preferences, self-esteem, college student, human development


