Mindful Parenting and Psychological Well-being in Single Mothers
Single mothers face various challenges that can potentially worsen their psychological well-being. This study aims to examine the relationship between mindful parenting and psychological well-being in single mothers. The hypothesis posited a positive relationship between mindful parenting and psychological well-being among single mothers. Participants included mothers who have been the sole caregivers following a divorce or the death of a spouse, within a timeframe of one to five years. Data collection was conducted using the Mindfulness In Parenting Questionnaire (MIPQ) and a psychological well-being scale. The method of data analysis employed was the product moment correlation. Results revealed a correlation coefficient of 0.413 with p=0.000 (p < 0.050). These findings indicate a positive relationship between mindful parenting and psychological well-being, suggesting that higher levels of mindful parenting are associated with higher levels of psychological well-being, and conversely, lower levels of mindful parenting are associated with lower levels of psychological well-being in single mothers.
Keywords : mindful parenting, psychological well-being, single mothers