Self-Acceptance in Single Mothers
Abstract. Losing a life partner either due to spouse’s deaths or divorce could create various impacts on woman, as well as the new status and role that must be carried as a single mothers. With these various impacts, the process of self-acceptance in single mothers can be hampered and can even last for long time. This study aims to determine the overview of self-acceptance of a single mothers in depth. Participants in this study are 4 women who had been single parents for more than one year. This research used qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. The results showed that the process of self-acceptance cannot be separated from internal dan external factors. Family and social support are external factors that strengthen self-acceptance. Meanwhile, internally, self acceptance is influenced by religiosity and self-understanding. Religiousity is important factor for self-acceptance in single mothers, because it makes an understanding about God’s plan in their condition.
Keywords: Religiousity, Self-Acceptance, Single Mother