How is Family Support Related to Subjective Well-Being in Working Mothers?
Women's participation in the workforce continues to increase every year, although it is still not equal to the number of men who work. However, the impact is not only felt economically, but also personally, especially for mothers who also have to take care of the family. The challenges faced by working mothers, both in carrying out their roles as workers and as mothers, often affect their subjective well-being. Therefore, the role of family support becomes very important in helping them carry out this dual role. This study aimed to explore the relationship between family support and subjective well-being in working mothers. The study sample consisted of 60 mothers who have children aged 3-15 years and have worked for at least one year. The sampling method used was convenient sampling method. Data collection was carried out through the use of the Family Support Scale and the Subjective Well-Being Scale. Data were analyzed using the product moment correlation test. The results showed a significant positive relationship between family support and subjective well-being in working mothers. The implications of this study suggest the need for policies that support gender equality in the workplace and the development of programs that facilitate family support. These measures are expected to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for women, and improve overall well being and productivity.
Keyword: subjective well-being, family support, working mothers