The Relationship Between Social Support and Life Satisfaction in Indonesian Migrant Workers
In reality, many migrant workers experience mistreatment in the workplace. This is evidenced by the number of complaints filed by Indonesian migrant workers. The interview results show that migrant workers are not satisfied with their lives. One of the supporting factors to increase life satisfaction is social support. The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between social support and life satisfaction in Indonesian migrant workers. The hypothesis of this study is that there is a positive relationship between social support and life satisfaction in Indonesian migrant workers. The subjects of this study were 118 Indonesian migrant workers, aged 18-40 years, 39 men and 79 women, from West Java, Central Java and East Java. Subjects were selected using purposive sampling method. The measuring instruments used were Multidimensionnal Scale of Perceived Social Support and Satisfaction with Life Saule (SWLS). The results of the correlation analysis of the product moment (pearson correlation) of the research data obtained the results of the correlation coefficient (rxy) 0.582 (p<0.05) means that there is a positive relationship with a significant level of moderate correlation strength between social support variables and life satisfaction, so that the hypothesis in the study is accepted. The data also shows (R2) 0.338, which shows that the social support variable affects life satisfaction by 33.8%.
Keywords : Indonesian Migrant Workers, Life Satisfaction, Social Support