The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Alexithymia in Broken Home Adolescents


  • Dwi Amisha Azahra Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Anwar Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


Study This aim for know the relationship between emotional intelligence and alexithymia in broken home teenagers. Hypothesis in study This is There is connection significant negative between Intelligence emotion with alexithymia in broken home adolescents. Subject in study This is teenager with divorced parents, with range aged 12 – 18 years, and not yet Marry. Amount subject in study This that is as many as 113 broken home teenagers. Collection method subject with use technique purposive sampling, data collection using scale intelligence emotion and scale Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). Data analysis techniques using correlation product moment (pearson correlation) with use Jamovi version Based on results analysis of the data obtained The R coefficient is – 0.634 with (p < 0.05). These results show that there is connection significant negative between intelligence emotions and alexithymia in broken home adolescents. Accepted hypothesis in study This show coefficient determination (R2) is 0.402. It means variable intelligence emotion can influence of 40.2% against behavior alexithymia and the remaining 59.8% is influenced by factors psychological other.

Keywords: Teenagers, broken home, intelligence emotions, Alexithymia


