Problem Solving Ability among Students Aged 3-4 Years in Montessori Approach Schools


  • Nurul Fatiha Berherd Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Sri Muliati Abdullah Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


Problem solving not only solving problems in everyday life, but also being able to explore children both doing assignments at school and at home. The ability to solve problems or what is usually called problem solving is an important ability that children need to have from an early age, this is because the ability to solve problems is related to how children develop their cognitive abilities. The design of this research uses qualitative research methods in the form of case studies, which use one to one interview and in depth interview. Choosing the case study method is because it aims to understand students in depth regarding the development of abilities problem solving in schools that apply the Montessori approach. In this research the researcher will use 3 informants as subjects or samples in this research, the participats is RR,mES, and AN. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that ability problem solving Children's improves much more after entering a Montessori school, so the Montessori method plays a very important role in improving abilities problem solving children, which can be seen from the child's independence, increased self-confidence, and ability to solve problems alone or together with friends. Parents at home can also contribute to improving their child's ability to use household materials, because Montessori materials at school can be found at home.

Keywords: problem solving ability, montessori approach, students


