Self-Efficacy in Teachers who Teach Children With Special Needs (ABK) at SMPN 3 Ngaglik


  • Detriana Wahyuningsih Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Santi Esterlita Purnamasari Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


The self-efficacy of elementary school teachers in inclusive education encompasses the preparation process, the teaching process, addressing student diversity, solving teaching problems, and evaluating both regular students and those with special needs in a shared educational setting, with the goal of providing valuable insights for both teachers and school management to enhance the implementation of inclusive education. This study aims to comprehensively examine the self-efficacy of teachers who teach students with special needs at SMP N 3 Ngaglik using a qualitative case study approach. Participants include four teachers and four informants. The findings reveal that the self-efficacy of teachers in teaching students with special needs at SMPN 3 Ngaglik is predominantly characterized by the third dimension, which is efficacy in collaboration. The formation of teachers' self-efficacy in teaching students with special needs tends to be based on their teaching experience, both in frequency and duration, with contributing factors primarily arising from the school environment and family.

Keywords: Inclusive school, self-efficacy, students with special needs, teachers


