Multiple Role Conflicts Among Women Civil Servant In Organization X Yogyakarta


  • Beti Ari Astuti Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Sri Muliati Abdullah Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Audita Nurvriasari Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


The nature of women as mothers who give birth and do household work has shifted to women who work in offices. There are many factors that influence a woman's decision to work, one of which is to help the family financially. Conflict between a woman's dual role as a mother responsible to her family and also the role of women as employees who are responsible for their work. This fact has become an interesting topic to research and find solutions for, so that women can be more empowered and optimal in every role they play. This research uses a qualitative method, namely an approach that emphasizes the analysis on deductive and inductive inference processes as well as on analysis of the dynamics of relationships between observed phenomena, using scientific methods. Women who have activities other than taking care of the household actually experience multiple roles and create conflict for women. This happens because you have to work on various roles at one time. Other activities and roles then lead to dual roles, namely, work activities and continuing education or college activities by a woman. The phenomenon of working women gives rise to various pressures, both from work demands and domestic demands as women who essentially take care of the household. The existence of dual roles causes conflict within women. Facing this, participants try to solve it his responsibility to the maximum as an employee and a mother. The role of women responsible taking care of the household, doing office work, and studying at college give rise to behavior negative such as stress and irritability. Participants have control towards himself for the emotions and behavior that arise, one of which is by resting and drawing closer to God.

Keywords: Multiple Role Conflict; Woman Civil Servant


