The Relationship Between Fear of Missing Out and Psychological Well-Being Among Millennial Employees Using Social Media in Jakarta


  • Umi Latifah Unversitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Alimatus Sahrah Unversitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


This study aims to examine the relationship between Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) and Psychological Well-Being among millennial employees who use social media in Jakarta. The hypothesis posited a negative correlation between FoMO and Psychological Well-Being, suggesting that higher levels of FoMO among employees are associated with lower levels of Psychological Well-Being, and vice versa. The sample consisted of 122 millennial employees who are active social media users in Jakarta. Data were collected using the Online Fear of Missing Out (ON-FoMO) Scale and the Psychological Well-Being Scale. Pearson’s product-moment correlation was employed for data analysis. The results revealed a significant negative correlation with a correlation coefficient (rxy) of -0.654 (p < 0.01), indicating a substantial inverse relationship between FoMO and Psychological Well-Being among employees. The acceptance of the hypothesis indicated a determination coefficient (R²) of 0.428, meaning that FoMO accounts for 42.8% of the variance in Psychological Well-Being, with the remaining 57.2% influenced by other factors.

Keywords: Fear of Missing Out, Psychological Well-Being, Employees, Social Media


