Unleashing Potential: Exploring the Relationship Between Intrinsic Motivation and Innovative Behavior Among Teachers in SLB Negeri X, Jambi
Special school is an educational unit intended for students with special needs. Special school teachers are required to be innovative in order to educate children with special needs. This study aims to determine the relationship between intrinsic motivation and innovative behavior in teachers at SLB Negeri X Jambi City. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and innovative behavior in teachers at SLB Negeri X Jambi City. The subjects used in this study were 50 teachers at SLB Negeri X Jambi City consisting of 11 men and 39 women. The research subject retrieval technique used was purposive sampling technique. Data collection was carried out using an intrinsic motivation scale and an innovative behavior scale. The data analysis method used in this study is Pearson's product moment correlation analysis technique, the results show that there is a significant positive relationship between intrinsic motivation and innovative behavior with a correlation coefficient (r) = 0.797 with p < 0.001. The effective contribution of intrinsic motivation to innovative behavior is 63,5% as indicated by the value of the determinant coefficient (R2) with score 0,635. The implications of this research can help improve the quality of learning in SLBs because intrinsically motivated teachers are more likely to create and implement innovations in their teaching, which in turn can enhance students' learning outcomes.
Keywords: innovative behavior, intrinsic motivation, special needs, special school, teachers