Exploring Teachers’ Emotional Regulation in Inclusive Schools: A Pilot Study


  • Bidta A. Hriady Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Rahma Widyana Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Kamsih Astuti Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


This study is aimed at understanding teachers’ emotional regulation in inclusive schools. The problems identified are the emotional challenges teachers face in inclusive schools, which may affect their performance and well-being. This study applies a qualitative method that uses semi-structured interviews to uncover teachers' reflections on their emotions and school values or principles that influence their perspective on inclusive schools. This study involved three teachers. The results showed that the three teachers regularly used Gross's emotional regulation strategies. Two of them intensively used situation modification strategies, followed by response modulation, cognitive changes, and distraction. Meanwhile, one participant flexibly used gross emotional regulation strategies depending on the context of the interlocutor, time, and situation. This demonstrates good adaptability and regulatory capabilities. Meanwhile, the dynamics in the classroom generally include support between teachers and students, and teaching strategies that support children's rights but with conflicting social interactions.

Keywords: emotional regulation, teachers, inclusive schools


