Early Marriage Decision-Making Among Teenage Graduates of Prestigious High Schools


  • Sintia Anggraeni Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Malida Fatimah Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


Early marriage, defined as marriage before the age of 20, significantly affects women’s prospects for employment, education, and overall well-being. Rather than being a mere outcome, early marriage entails a multifaceted decision-making process. This process involves several stages, including initiation, negotiation, and final decision-making. Marriage decision- making often influenced by family involvement, social influence, and individual considerations. This study investigates the factors influencing early marriage among high school graduates. Additionally, our research aims to assess the consequences of early marriage on these adolescents. This study employed a qualitative approach to analyze data obtained from structured interviews with three women who had firsthand experience with early marriage in Temanggung Regency, Indonesia. These individuals were selected through purposive sampling for their relevant experience with early marriage. The three individuals selected—SAK, EN, and NH—are young women from farming families who, after completing their high school education, entered into early marriages at the ages of 18 and 19. This study revealed that family dynamics significantly influenced the decision to marry early across all stages. Additionally, the subject’s personal beliefs played a role in negotiation and final decision-making. Social influence and limited access to higher education were factors during the initiation stage. Post-marriage, individual underwent sociocultural adaptation, personality development, maladaptation, and reported marital satisfaction. The study highlights the need for comprehensive support systems, accessible education, and communication programsto address challengesrelated to early marriage.

Keywords: decision making, early marriage, factors, prestigious high school graduate, teenagers


