Building Youth Leaders: The Influence of Leadership Self- Efficacy Training on Youth Motivation in Sosromenduran Tourism Village


  • Anindwitya Rizqi Monica Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • M. Wahyu Kuncoro Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


This study examines the influence of Leadership Self-Efficacy (LSE) training on the Motivation To Lead (MTL) among youth in the Sosromenduran Tourism Village. The research utilized an experimental design involving 20 participants, divided evenly into an experimental group and a control group. Data collection was conducted using a 27-item Motivation To Lead (MTL) scale. Statistical analysis via a Paired Sample T-test revealed a significant effect, with a t-value of 3.059 and a p-valueof 0.014 (p < 0.05). This indicates a notable improvement in MTLscores within the experimental group before and after the intervention, demonstrating the efficacy of the LSE training in enhancing leadership motivation. Furthermore, an Independent Sample T-Test was employed to compare the post-test scores between the experimental and control groups. The results yielded a t-value of -1.916 and a p-value of 0.71 (p > 0.05), suggesting no significant difference in post-test outcomes between the two groups.

Keywords: Leadership Self-Efficacy (LSE), Motivation To Lead (MTL), youth leaders, experimental research, Sosromenduran Tourism Village


