
  • Grace Aprilia Siregar HKBP Nommensen of University




Teachers Pedagogy, Pedagogy Competence, Curriculum K-13


ABSTRACT: This research is about Teachers Pedagogy in Teaching English on SMK PARULIAN MEDAN Based on K-13 Curriculum . The Purpose of this research is to describe the teachers’ pedagogy competence in teaching english based on k-13 curriculum in SMK PARULIAN 3 Medan. This research was conducted by applying Descriptive Qualitative research. The subject of this research was english teachers on SMK PARULIAN 3 MEDAN. The researcher took 10 students in getting the data. The instrument of collecting data was questionnaire. The procedure of collecting data was Determining the subject of the research. In this case, the subject is English teachers on SMK PARULIAN 3 MEDAN, Determining the focus of the research, This research is teachers pedagogy in teaching english based on k-13 curriculum, Asking the teachers’ to teach the students. observe the class while filling out the observation sheet that has been provided. Conducting interviews to strengthen information from observation,and give the students questionnaire and respondents to obtain the data. From the result of the research that has been done , the researcher can conclude that the teachers’ pedagogy in teaching English has been done to the students very good. The forms include in terms of teachers understanding about pedagogy competence in teaching english based on curriculumm K-13. For aspects of teachers understanding aspect logic,inovative,and reflective

Author Biography

Grace Aprilia Siregar, HKBP Nommensen of University

English Education


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(JELE) Journal Of English Language and Education