
  • Kusmiati Kusmiati University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Hermayawati Hermayawati University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta

Kata Kunci:

English teachers’ problem, the 2013 Curriculum


Nowadays, the used Curriculum in Indonesia is the 2013 Curriculum. Since 2016 ago, all secondary schools have been recommended to implement the 2013 Curriculum. Even though the curriculum had been implemented in several years, but the teachers still got difficulties in implementing it normatively. This study was intended to describe the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum and to present the English teachers’ problems in implementing such current curriculum. This was a qualitative research which was classified as a case study. This method was used to compile the problems faced by the Junior High School English teachers in five schools located at Bantul Regency. The data was collected through the questionnaire, interview, and documentation. It involved the English teachers of Junior High Schools. The qualitative data was analyzed by identifying, classifying, and describing the problems faced by the English teachers in implementing the 2013 Curriculum in SMP (Junior High Schools) around Bantul Regency. The results showed that the English teachers teaching in the research setting still had problems in implementing of the 2013 Curriculum, namely: 1) teachers’ difficulties in designing the lesson plan especially in choosing appropriate methods in accordance with the students’ characteristics and teaching procedures; 2) teachers’ difficulties in choosing appropriate methods with the students’ characteristics; 3) the students ability and interest in English; 4) teachers’ difficulties in finding the right instrument of authentic assessment; 5) teachers’ problem related to the facilities of teaching learning process. Those problems factually influenced the students’ outcomes quality


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