
  • Inge Angelica Valimbo University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Elysa Hartati University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


Vlog, Students’ Speaking Skill, Classroom Action Research


The research was to examine if the video blog (vlog) can improve students' speaking skill and to investigate how far the improvement students' speaking skill is. This research was applied to the seventh-grade students. The research was categorized into classroom action research. The aim of this study was to show the processed of the students' speaking improvement. The participant from the teaching and learning activity in class VII D. This study involved two type of data. The data are taken from the qualitative and quantitative data. The qualitative were obtained by observation and interview. The qualitative data were obtained by speaking test and questionnaire. The preliminary study was an action to prepare before doing the treatment. In the pre-test, the data showed that students score was not good. Students’ ability to speak up was still low during the teaching and learning process. Vlog techniques were given to the students to help them improve their speaking skill. The average score of students speaking in the first cycle was not been improved. In cycle two the students already achieve the KKM score. Based on the students, it could be concluded that there was a good improvement from the pre-test to the post-test. The use of vlog for the students, they get more chance to speak
up and they can build their idea and imagination while for the teachers, he or she can use the media to catch students' attention and focus on the material. Based on those findings, that vlog was an efficient and effective way to improve speaking skill of the students of Middle School.


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