
  • Siti Arianti Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Hermayawati Hermayawati Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


E-Assessment, Design, Thinking Skills


Technologically advanced era brings electronic assessment (E-assessment) as the more effective alternative way for assessing learners. However, the limited ability in creating technology-based assessment was hampering this evaluation form. This paper focused on describing the procedure of designing e-assessment. This study was a Research and Development (R&D) which followed some phases such as Analysis, Design, Develop, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE) in creating a research product. In the data collection process, some instruments like interview, document analysis, documentation, questionnaire, and test were applied. The compiled data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The result was a soft file product consisted of 50 multiple-choice items namely HOTS Quiz. The design was stated as applicable and acceptable as very appropriate by 1) the material and language testing expert with the average 84%
achievement; 2) the IT experts with the average 87,5%. Furthermore, the result of the first and second implementation showed an improvement, where the students’ average score in the first implementation was 65, 7 while the second implementation reached 79, 4. Thus, it can be concluded that the designed HOTS Quiz was appropriate to use as the alternative for assessing ninth graders’ higher order thinking skills.



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