Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Dosen Dengan Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Empiris Di Stmik “Aub” Surakarta, Jawa Tengah)


  • Galih Wisnu Wardhana Akademi Teknologi Adhi Unggul Bhirawa (AUB) Surakarta
  • Achmad Chaerudin Akademi Teknologi Adhi Unggul Bhirawa (AUB) Surakarta


Kata Kunci:

leadership, discipline, motivation, performance.


The purpose of the research were to examine the influence of leadership, and discipline to performance  of Lecturer of STMIK "AUB" Surakarta with a motivation as intervening variable.  The hypothesis which have been formulated in this research show that the leadership, and discipline have influenced the performance of the Lecturers of STMIK "AUB" Surakarta with motivation as intervening variable. The research is a survey to Lecturers of STMIK "AUB" Surakarta. Sample in this researh are 42 respondents. Data have been collected with quesionare  processed with, validity and reliability test,  the path analysis, t test, F test and test of  R2 . The t test result show that leadership, and discipline have positive and significant influence to performance  of Lecturer STMIK "AUB" Surakarta partial, motivation has negative and  significant influence to performance partially. The F test shows that the leadership, discipline and motivation significant influence toward performance  of lecturers STMIK "AUB" Surakarta as simultanoursly. From test of R2  show the independent variable (leadership, discipline, and motivation)  explain the dependent variable (performance) and the remaining 99% of 1% is explained by other variables not included in the regression model. The results of path analysis shows that the motivation did not intervern the leadership, discipline, to performance because the value of the coefficient of the indirect effect was smaller than the direct effect.


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