The Realization of Interpersonal Negotiation in the Conversation


  • Elysa Hartati Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta



This study aimed toinvestigate how the students of English Department of the
State University of Semarang realize interpersonal negotiation in their conversation
and find out what kinds of problems that emerge when the students have an
interpersonal negotiation in their conversation.In analyzing the data, the descriptive
qualitative approach was employed with small quantification was made to support the
analysis. Besides, the choices of mood, modality, speech roles as well as clause category
were applied to analyze the data.The research findings showed that from the
observation towards 10 (ten) students done by practicing the conversation in pairs,
there were only 3 (three) pairs that could realize the interpersonal negotiation in their
conversation. Most of students used declarative mood types (56.6%) more in their
conversation. It indicated that they wanted to initiate the exchanges by giving
information more often. The modality that they used most was probability
modalization (41.2%). With high and medium categories of probability, the students
expressed their idea of the situation given.Though the students produced declarative
mood more in their conversation, it did not directly indicate that they could realize
interpersonal negotiation well. Most of the declaratives produced was more
maintaining the information exchange. The giving speech roles of the clauses produced
by the students sometimes were inappropriate with the topic being discussed. It made
the conversation inconvenient. Even though the use of modalization and modulation to
express interpersonal negotiation was not problematic, they did not use it optimally;
only 17 clauses out of 143 clauses made use of them.
Keywords : realization, interpersonal negotiation, conversation






(JELE) Journal Of English Language and Education