Students’ Perception and Engagement toward The Authentic Materials Use for Reading Comprehension


  • Silvya Budiharti Singaperbangsa Karawang University



authentic materials, reading comprehension, online classroom


This qualitative study aims to know students’ engagement and perception in using authentic materials for reading. Using narrative inquiry approach, semi-structured interview and observation were conducted to know how students’ engage during the reading class with authentic materials and how students’ perceive after using authentic materials. The data of observation were gained in online setting classroom. The participants of this study consist of two participants from vocational high school. The gained data were interview result and video recorded from the observation. By using narrative analysis, this study gives the result that students’ engagement: behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, and cognitive engagement, is good or positive engagement. While students’ perception is also found that students give the positive perception toward the use of authentic materials. This study emphasize on the use of authentic materials which are related to students’ real life for language learning, especially reading.


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(JELE) Journal Of English Language and Education