Project-Based Collaborative Writing In Teaching Grammar For Students With High And Low Motivation


  • Kunto Nurcahyoko Ohio State University and State University of Semarang



Although the body of literature has been supporting the use of Project-Based
Collaborative Writing (PBCW) to teach grammar, there is still huge urgency to
measure its effectiveness for language learners with different motivation. This study
aims to investigate the effectiveness of PBCW, the effect of motivation in teaching
grammar for ten graders,and the interaction among techniques, motivation, and
students’ grammar. The study employed a 2X2 factorial research design involving 48
students in two experimental groups and two control groups. The samples were divided
into students with high and low motivation group. The data were collected by using
pretest and posttest techniques. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used
for analyzing the data. The result showsthat project-based collaborative writing and
collaborative learning techniques are more effective to be used to teach grammar for
students with high motivation as compared to students with low motivation. The result
also reveals that motivation does not really affect the students’ grammar performance.
However, there is still different improvement between students with low and high
motivation in their grammatical accuracy. Lastly, the analysis of variance shows that
there is no interaction among students’ motivation, techniques, and students’ grammar
with the level of significance at 0.934. The study suggests that teachers must be able to
consider the presence of both variables in teaching and learning, especially to teach
grammatical accuracy.
Keywords : Project-based collaborative learning (PBCW), collaborative learning, high
and low motivation, grammar






(JELE) Journal Of English Language and Education