Local Wisdom, Technology (ICT), English LearningAbstract
Most Indonesian learners understand if they must improve their abilities in English skills. They know that big effort they make will use to survive in this era. They have to master both skills and strategies to show then compete with others to position themselves. Mastering International language collaborated with technology has significant role in this part in reaching this aims. This era serves many spots in realizing this goals. But in other context they have to understand that they are civilized people, making competition in global era without leaving good norm and culture. In this case, Indonesia education system has prioritized using local wisdom collaborated with ICT to be the core of human resource development to enter a global living. This strategy is important for Indonesia to face the golden age in 2045 indicated by having a golden generation of competitive and high quality human resources. For this purpose, learning English as international language can be a bridge to get and spread sources in competition combined with mastering high technology. Unfortunately, because it serves many modern devices and styles, learning activities fail to lead students’ understanding on their living philosophy. Consequently, the students seem insensitive to their natural, social, and local environments by means of wisdom even forgetting who they are. Although they look good in using technology devices and English, they seem empty in understanding their living, future orientation, and goals. Based on those facts this paper presents how important local wisdom collaborated technology as media (ICT) should be referred as learning resources in forming good skills and attitudes to English learners.
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