Pragmatics, Presupposition, the Conjuring MovieAbstract
The objectives of this research are describing the types of presupposition and interpreting the implied meaning of the presupposition through characters' utterance in the movie entitled The Conjuring. Yule's theory of presupposition and context are used to answer the research questions in this research. This research was a qualitative study. The object of this research was The Conjuring movie that released in 2013. The data of this research were taken from the conversation between the character's utterances in the movie and the data analysis was conducted by classifying and analyzing according to Yule's theory. Meanwhile, in order to interpret the implied meaning of the data of presupposition, the writer considered the context to interpret the implied meaning of the presupposition. The findings of the research were as follows: all Yule's types of presupposition were found in this research. Those were lexical presupposition is the most-occurred in this study with 9 data of 23 data gained in this movie. The second type presupposition most occurred was existential presupposition with 6 data found in this study. The third type of presupposition occurred in this study was factive presupposition which 3 data found in this study. The fourth type presupposition occurred in this study was non factive with 2 data found and the fifth presupposition occurred was structural presupposition with 2 data found of all 23 data found in this study. The last type of presupposition occurred in this study was the counterfactual presupposition. The writer only found 1 datum of the counterfactual presupposition of 23 data found in this study. After conducting the research, the writer concludes that all types' presupposition were found and the implied meaning for each type presupposition can be interpreted by considering the context. In this study, lexical presupposition mostly occurred because the use of this presupposition could reveal two assumptions in one utterance and counterfactual presupposition rarely occurred in this research because counterfactual conditional seldom found in this movie situation.
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