
  • Svendriyati Asthari University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta
  • Hermayawati Hermayawati University of Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


English Assessment, Score Mark-Up, Qualitative Approach, Motivation, Teaching Strategy


Score markup is a bad phenomenon in educational research, but it is not widespread researched. Thus this research was aroused because of the aforesaid phenomenon. Based on the aforesaid issue this research was generally aimed at analysis of avoidable score mark-up in English assessment in senior secondary school and involving three variables that are: 1) strategy of avoidable score markup; 2) manner of teachers assess students' English learning; 3) English teachers to assess students with low comprehension of English subjects deduction.
Then, it belongs to a case study that is qualitative research, and then, it involves with SMAN 1 Yogyakarta as a research setting. Then, the research instrument is questionnaires, interviews, documentation, and peers debriefing. Further, the research participants are English teachers, non-English Language teacher, students (graders). In this case, the result of the research has research validity i.e = 0.751; the average of National Examination is about 82.00 that it is higher than the School Examination is 66.78 that means the phenomenon
of score markup does not occur. Remedial teaching and remedial tests have been solutions to enhance graders' motivation. The effectiveness of the Layanan Klinis is a solution for lower students who still need enhancement of the teaching method.


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