
  • Ayub Tatya Admaja Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta


Pendidikan Karakter, Program Asrama Bahasa Arab, Era 4.0


This research stems from the dominance and effectiveness of the kick abhorigi chagi in the era of match of the protector scoring system (PSS) which is the most effective kick to the head with a percentage 60.26% in every game. The purpose of this research is to create assessment instruments skills of kick abhorigi chagi in athletes kyorugi of taekwondo. The results of the data will be used as a guideline for the coach to know and determine the best exercise program. Judging from the data obtained by the researcher through observation, interviews, literature review and discussions with some coaches, then the research and development of assessment instruments skills kick abhorigi chagi is important to do. The method used is research and development. The first step was a review of expert judgment to determine the content validity, the second step to determine the construct validity, the reliability of the test, and determine the norms of reference of assessment which will be carried out by using test-retest. Product testing was done two times namely feasibility tests with the subject of trials 10 beginner athletes and 10 profesional athletes  while trials of the effectiveness with the subject of the trial of 35 beginner athletes and 35 profesional athletes of UKM Taekwondo UNY and PUSLATDA DIY. The third step was to determine the interclass correlations coeficient then the required test process assessment instruments kick abhorigi chagi consisting of 4 raters. The results of the research is a assesmentinstrument which have the construct validity (r = 0.85). Reliability test beginner class of the stances front right (r = 0.83) and the stances front left (r = 0.95). Reliability test profesional class of the the stances front right (r = 0.82), and the stances front left (r = 0.80). Reliability Interclass Correlation Coeficient the stances front right (r = 0.614) and the stances front left (r =0.608) as well as the reference norm ratings. While the results of the development is assessment guidebook-kick abhorigi chagi in athletes kyorugi of taekwondo. From these data then the test is said to be valid and reliable with high category, and deserves to be used.



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