Effect of Coffee Skin Compost on Growth and Yield of Tomato

Pengaruh Takaran Kompos Kulit Kopi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tomat


  • Melati Dwi Ayu Dwi Ayu


Tomatoes, coffee skin compost doses


This study aimed to find out the effect of coffee skin compost on the growth and yield of tomatoes. This research had been carried out in the Experiment Garden and Agronomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Agroindustry, University Mercu Buana Yogyakarta at a place height of 87.5 m above the sea level. The study had been conducted from August to November 2021. The method used in this study was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) single factor, namely the amount of coffee skin compost consisting of 4 levels and each repeated 3 times, so that the number of experimental units was 12. Each experimental unit has a population of 10 plants, thus the overall population of 120 plants. Treatment consisted of without the application of coffee skin compost, coffee skin compost 80 g / plant, coffee skin compost 100 g / plant and coffee skin compost 120 g / plant. The observed parameters include plant height, number of branches, flowering time, crop fresh weight, crop dry weight, root volume, number of fruits/plants, weight of fruit/plant, total weight of fruit, total number of fruits and diameter of fruit. The results showed that fertilizer compost waste coffee skin 100g / plant could provide the best growth and increase the diameter of tomatoes.


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How to Cite

Dwi Ayu , M. D. A. . (2024). Effect of Coffee Skin Compost on Growth and Yield of Tomato : Pengaruh Takaran Kompos Kulit Kopi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tomat . JIGA : Journal Innovation in Green Agriculture, 1(1), 35–45. Retrieved from https://ejurnal.mercubuana-yogya.ac.id/index.php/JIGA/article/view/3918


