Analisis Kekerasan Terhadap Korban Rudapaksa Berdasarkan Segitiga Kekerasan Johan Galtung di Film 2037


  • Reisya Qurrota Aini Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA
  • vilya dwi agustini UHAMKA



This film tells the story of the injustice that must be accepted by a 19-year-old teenager who experienced rudapaksa, but the victim did not get justice because the victim accidentally made a defense that caused the perpetrator to be killed. Then using the triangle of violence according to Johan Galtung which divides violence into three categories, namely direct violence, structural violence, and cultural violence. The method used is qualitative content analysis to produce an analysis in the form of depictions of violence against women from pieces of images and dialog in the film 2037. The results of this study found a variety of violence against victims of rudapaksa both directly in the form of rape, threatening, stalking and beatings, then structural violence in the form of abuse of authority and injustice and cultural violence namely patriarchal culture and abuse of power.

Keywords: Violence, Film and the Triangle of Violence




