The Effect Of Pre Treatment and Cowpea Flour Concentration on Physical Properties and Preference Level of Oyek
Asih Sutanti
Sri Luwihana D
Bayu Kanetro
Growolis traditional fermented cassava and oyekis dried growolas food reserved inKebumen region- Middle of Java. Protein content of oyek is lower than rice so effort increasing oyek protein with cowpea flour addition. The aim of this research is studying the effect of cowpea soaking and sprouting and cowpea flour concentration on physical properties and the preference level of oyek. A part of cowpea is soaking for 4 days at room temperature and the other is sprouting. After soaking and sprouting cowpea is drying with oven at 500C and mill to be flour. Fermentation of growol made by soaking cassava for 5 days at room temperature. Product of filtering and pressing fermented cassava blend with 10%, 20% and 30% (w/w) soaked and sprout cowpea flour respectively then granulating, steaming for 15 minutes and drying with oven at 50 0C. The product analysis are texture, color, organoleptic test and protein of oyek.Oyek produce by addition 30% cowpea sprout flour is preferred with 5.7% moisture, 8.68% protein content, 10.81 N Force and 49.40% Deformation. Keywords: growol, oyek, sprout and cowpea soaking